Saturday 27 June 2020

Story Prompts

It's the hottest day of the year and all you want to do is sit near the air conditioner and soak up the cool. What do you think it would be like if you didn't have air conditioning in the summer? What would you do to keep cool and why?

Cohen, Bryan. Four Seasons of Creative Writing: 1,000 Prompts to Stop Writer's Block (Story Prompts for Journaling, Blogging and Beating Writer's Block) (p. 1). Build Creative Writing Ideas. Kindle Edition. 

I remember the summer of 1969. August was so hot that year that it felt like the very air burned your throat when you breathed. While sitting in the shade helped it was sitting in the water that helped the most.
We spent most of that summer at the lake.

Without a towel the sand burned but once you got knee-deep into the water you didn't feel as hot because the water was a lower temperature than your sun-heated body.