Tuesday 11 August 2020



r/StarWarsCantina - The Ewok costume without fur is definitely something out of a nightmare
Race: Azizz

Habitat: Tree Houses, Forest shared with Woulven. Webs are everywhere in their village... They mainly build their homes in trees surrounding a clearing. The clearing provides the space for their dye & food plants. They have two clearings in the forest as there are more of them than there are Woulven. A river runs between the two villages of Sprimsi providing for all their water-based needs like cleaning & drinking

Physical Description: Short fur in shades of red,  5' tall or less, basically they look like large red teddybears like the one below except with a more ewok build as pictured above

Giant 5 Foot Red Teddy Bear, Big Plush Soft Life Size Stuffed ... the ginger spectrum | Pantone color chart, Pantone cmyk, Pantone ...

Prime Exports: Cloth, they are weavers of great skill. They have the ability to weave any material but prefer Spider silk from their domesticated spiders.

Spiders are their prime source of food although they do not object to other sources of meat.

They have spiders that provide milk, meat basically everything cows do for us.

A spider discovered deep in the jungles of Madagascar spins the largest webs in the world, using silk that's tougher than any known biological substance.

Named Caerostris darwini, or Darwin's bark spider, the inch-wide arachnid's webs can cover 30-square-foot areas, hanging in midair from 80-foot-long anchor lines.

The webs' size generates enormous structural stresses, magnified by the struggles of trapped prey. Strands must "absorb massive kinetic energy before breaking," and are "10 times better than Kevlar," wrote University of Puerto Rico zoologist Igni Agnarsson in Public Library of Science One.

Agnarsson and Slovenian Academy of Sciences biologist Matjaž Kuntner discovered C. darwini in 2008. It's similar in many ways to Caerostris species found in Africa, but those spiders live at the edges of forest clearings. In Madagascar, where animals have taken kaleidoscopic forms since the island split from mainland Africa 165 million years ago, C. darwini evolved to exploit the airspace above streams and rivers. Source

Other items of trade include silk thread and needles made from the spiders' spinnerets. They will make clothing to order as well though this is a very special skill among them.


They are led by a council of elders they call the Sprima. Each Sprimium can speak during the weekly council meeting but all final decisions are made by the council. 

Each village has an adminstator and police force (sheriff & deputy). The meals are communal with each village having their own cooking staff, hunters, gatherers.

Outreach is done by a select force of retired hunters & police personal, (this includes trade & exploration)

there are several cloth makers, dyers etc and they compete but not aggressively. These are a pacifistic race

Names: Vayu, Macu, Pitu, Peti, Leja, Asili, Otso

Hadley, Auryn. RISE OF THE ILIRI Volumes 1-3: A Reverse Harem Epic Fantasy Series (p. 1027). Spotted Horse Productions. Kindle Edition.