Thursday 13 August 2020

Outlining Your Novel Chapter 2

 “Outlines help us not only to generate stories, but to organize them….” —Sarah Domet3
Weiland, K.M.. Outlining Your Novel: Map Your Way to Success (Helping Writers Become Authors Book 1) (p. 20). PenForASword Publishing. Kindle Edition. 

How do you decide which outlining method is best for you? Trial and error is your best bet. You’ll never know for certain if you’ll click with a particular method until you give it a try.
Weiland, K.M.. Outlining Your Novel: Map Your Way to Success (Helping Writers Become Authors Book 1) (p. 21). PenForASword Publishing. Kindle Edition. 

don’t box yourself into a rigid system. Never be afraid to experiment. Ultimately, finding the right outlining method isn’t so much about choosing as it is about creating. As you read this book, grab hold of anything that strikes your fancy, give it a try, combine it with the methods you’ve already put into practice, and keep searching for tips you can pick up from other authors. If you’re continually striving to learn about the outlining environment that allows you to work most efficiently, you’ll be able to refine your writing in ways that reach far beyond the craft itself. 
Weiland, K.M.. Outlining Your Novel: Map Your Way to Success (Helping Writers Become Authors Book 1) (pp. 21-22). PenForASword Publishing. Kindle Edition. 

Different types of Outlines:

Mind Map - I've tried this but for some reason it just doesn't stick for me

Pictorial Outline - This is how I do things. A picture sparked Woulfs story and I continue to use pictures to flesh out his path and his world

Map - This is a method I have in mind if I am to track Woulf's trip as it will give me a clearer idea of the hazards he might find.

Perfect Review - "Write yourself the "perfect" review before your story even hits paper.
 If you could have a professional reviewer read your idealized concept of your finished book and totally get it—completely understand everything you’re trying to say with your characters, plot, dialogue, and themes—what would he write about your story? Close your eyes for a moment, emotionally distance yourself from your story, and pretend you’re that reviewer.

       Be specific. Don’t just let the reviewer say he loved the story. Make him tell you why he loved it. What parts are the best? What makes this piece really shine?

        Be thorough. Cover every aspect of story you can think of: plot (including arc, pacing, and originality), characters (including personalities, arc, and development), dialogue, themes, and climax. 

        Be extravagant. Praise your story to the skies. Layer on the adjectives of adulation. After all, you’re writing from the perspective of a reader who understands and loves your story just as much as you do. So have fun! 

When you’re finished, you’ll have an explicit goal toward which you can strive in molding your story.

Chapter Two Checklist 

✅Choose the best outlining method(s) for you.

⬜Write the “perfect review.” 

✅Select the outlining tools that will promote creativity and inspiration. 

⬜Download yWriter (if you’re so inclined). (Tempting but try scrivener first)

✅Locate a couple used calendars to track your timeline. (Will use calendars that are on my computer)